One of the most popular games played by bingo players are pick games. Most of these games have a progressive jackpot but take a long time to rise in value. Our SurePick system can simplify the selling and management of your pick games while immediately providing a large jackpot. It is a fully automated system which provides the player with a computer generated ticket of the numbers they picked.
All transactions are tracked and verified by computer. It can take the form of a stationary or mobile system which allows your workers to take the sale directly to the player instead of having them come to you. Automate your pick game and play as often as you like. You set the starting jackpot as low as $1000 or as high as $100,000.
Multiple card formats of 5x5, 3x3 and lottery-style.
Players can select their numbers via a scanner, quick pick or touchscreen input.
You create the structure of your game in terms of the numbers of balls to be selected and called.
You can run the game as a 50/50 game, progressive jackpot, insured jackpot or insured jackpot with consolation prize.
Increase operational efficiency
No handwritten numbers
No carbon or duplicate forms
System can operate as a mobile of fixed-base selling station
Automatic printing of tickets
All cards serialized to increase security
Computer verification of winners
Provides summary and detailed sales reports
SurePick Mobile or Stationary Solution
Electronic Bingo Systems by Applied Concepts Inc.
“Your One-Stop Shop for Electronic Bingo”